The ICSWG brings together leading UK investment consulting firms with the aim of seeking to improve sustainable investment practices across the investment industry.
As a group, we believe that more urgent and constructive action needs to be taken to address the systemic challenges we face, particularly in relation to climate change. We recognise that investment consultants form a critical link between asset managers and asset owners and that, by working together, we can help to facilitate positive change that benefits our asset owner clients, their ultimate beneficiaries and wider society.

The Group will aim to:
Build consistency in processes that support sustainable investment activities, developing tools to support these activities.
Enhance standards by engaging with and supporting existing industry bodies and initiatives where appropriate, or by developing and promoting guidance on new practices and processes when necessary.
Support practical approaches to sustainable investment and provide real-world examples of implementation to encourage their adoption.
Engage with regulators, policymakers, and others to represent the collective views of investment consultants.
Grow the knowledge of investment consultants to support the emerging needs of its stakeholders.